Saturday, October 30, 2010

Progress on the documentary "In Search of the Anastasian Wall"

Making a documentary, particularly on a 'shoe string' budget, is not easy. However, the firm of art_valentine, of which the author of this blog is associated, is making progress. In the next couple of weeks, the website for the documentary should be open and the promotional clip completed. In addition, we are preparing to place our documentary on Kickstarter ( ) to solicit funding. If you are interested in contributing to the making of this documentary please contact me at Information about the firm of art_valentine can be found at: . It is still under-construction, so bear with us.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Promotion clip to be posted on YouTube for "The Search for the Anastasian Wall" documentary

A promotion clip for the documentary "The Search for the Anastasian Wall" is expected to be posted on YouTube soon. Watch this blog for details on how to access this clip.

We are seeking funds for post-production for the documentary. If you would like to contribute, even if just a small amount, contact the author of this blog, Dr. Michael A. McAdams at

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blog Entry on Mybzantium Blog

Many thanks to Tom Sawford, author and webmaster of Mybyzantine Blog, for posting an an entry concerning the Anastasian Wall. This is an excellent blog that is the only one that I am aware that is devoted to those interested in Byzantine history and associated events such as conferences, trips etc.

Go the the following link to view the article and also to browse the website for other interesting things about Byzantine history:

Thursday, August 19, 2010


The above photo is a cross-section of the upper portion of the Wall. There was a cut here, apparently for a road. It shows that there were smooth stones on the outside and rubble in the interior. The construction at times is inconsistent in this area, which will be shown in other photos that I will post later.

Wall Section near Black Sea

As mentioned in the earlier blog entry, a new road made it easier to see a portion of the wall near the Black Sea. As noticed, the stones are very well preserved, except for one part taken away by treasure hunters. (If you look carefully, the hole is where the stone was taken. This is known to be recent according to a reliavle source.) There is a bend here and it would appear that this is part of a fort. This is likely since small forts were placed when the Wall chnaged direction.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Plague of the Anastasian Wall..Treasure Hunters

I have just returned from Turkey. During my stay, I accompanied the filming crew and the producer for the Search for the Anastasian Wall documentary who shot some new sequences near the Black Sea and a few other locations. What was discovered was that a new road had been constructed near the end of the Black Sea portion of the wall opening up some previously difficult areas to access. This section is very well preserved. In one section where the wall turned appears to be a fort. The bricks in this area show almost no deterioration.

Unfortunately, the new road has made it easier for treasure hunters to get to the Wall. At the before mentioned site, they had taken away one of the bricks and dug a hole on top of the wall. This was not the only place where we witnessed new looting activity. The wall is being destroyed not by the elements, but by these modern day vandals whose only concern is some monetary gain. It is imperative that further steps are taken to preserve the Wall so that future generations can appreciate the magnitude and the historic importance of this monument. I will post some selected photos on this blog later.

The efforts to finish a one hour documentary on the Wall still continues, as previously mentioned. This could be a major vehicle to bring to the world community the importance of this stucture and to aid in its preservation/restoration. If you would like to donate money to help us complete this documentary, please contact me at
I can direct you where you can send your donation and provide you with appropriate documentation for tax purposes. Any amount would be appreciated

Friday, March 26, 2010

Google Earth File of the Anatasian Wall

If you are interested in locating the Anastasian Wall on Google Earth, please click on the following link: It should be noted when you click on this file, the following message will be displayed: "Page not found
We're sorry, but we were unable to locate the page you requested." Please click on the file below this titled "wall.kml".

There may be some errors due to datum, projections etc. when you zoom in on the area. Please use this as a general guide.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Absence of the Anastasian Wall at European Cultural Capital 2010 at Istanbul?

Some of the those interested in the preservation of the Anastasian Wall may be wondering why part of the documentary that the author of this blog is connected concerning the Anastasian Wall is not being presented as part of Istanbul being designated as Culture Capital of Europe 2010. The producer of the documentary approached the 2010 Committee in Istanbul and it was stated this the documentary could not be considered because Istanbul Culture 2010 funds were used for the filming of the documentary. As one of the participants in this documentary, this is a weak excuse for not showing the documentary. If you would like the documentary to be shown during Culture 2010l, please contact
Cultural Heritage and Museums Director

The website for Culture 2010 for Istanbul is located at

It is a great achievement for Istanbul to have this opportunity to highlight its illustrious past and its promising future. I do not want to detract in anyway from the activities of this time for Istanbul to showcase itself. However, the year celebration would be greatly enhanced if there was more public awareness about the Anastasian Wall.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Article Published: The use of remote sensing in the protection and management of archaeological sites: a case study of the Anastasian wall

I am very pleased to announce that the Journal of Scientific Research and Essay will publish the article, "The use of remote sensing in the protection and
management of archaeological sites: a case study of
the Anastasian wall" by McAdams, Kocaman, and Kara both online and in print this month (January 2009). It can be downloaded by going by clicking on the title of this blog or by going to . This article is indexed
The main site for this journal for our article and others can be found at:
It is indexed in the ISI Scientific Index ( research and Essays ).

I want to express my appreciation to Sinan Kocaman and Fatih Kara for their work on this project. This article would not have been published without their assistance.

It is hoped that this article will raise the awareness of many about the importance of the preservation and protection of this unique monument which represents a watershed in the history of the late Roman Empire.